The Montgomery DNA Surname Project (Link) has over 500 members who have taken a YDNA and/or an Autosomal Family Finder test. 


Description: The initial focus of this study was on the descendants of Montgomerys who lived in the Ruhama Baptist Church/East Lake area of Jefferson County, Alabama and other Montgomery families in and around Jefferson County. However, the scope of the project has rapidly expanded to include other Montgomery families throughout the USA, Canada, Australia, Ulster, Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, and France. As more and more Montgomery researchers become familiar with DNA testing as a supplement to conventional genealogical research, we anticipate that our test results will represent Montgomery families over a much broader area. We are seeking to establish relationships, determine ancestries and ethnic origins for Montgomery/Montgomerie families worldwide.

Surnames in the project include Montgomery, Montgomerie and any of the other many known spellings of this surname (i.e. McGumerait, McGummery, Montgummery, Mountgomery, Mungumbrie, etc.)


This project is open to male and female descendants of Montgomery and similar surnames. Males with the Montgomery surname should take both the YDNA and the Family Finder test. Males and Females whose Montgomery ancestor is not on their Paternal Direct Path (father's father's father, etc) must either take a Family Finder autosomal test or transfer an autosomal DNA test from AncestryDNA, 23&Me, MyHeritage, or another test site. 

To make the most out of the project and find out how you match other Montgomery descendants, do the following:

1) Add your ancestors in MyTree. See this 
Guide to Add your ancestors using a GEDCOM.

2) Add your most distant maternal and paternal ancestors and all your known surnames and alternate spellings. See this 

3) Check to see who you match in the Montgomery Project. See this Tutorial for the Advanced Matches tool where you use the "Show Matches for" Filter to change it from "The Entire Database" to Montgomery Project and see project members you match, their predicted relationship to you, and links to their trees. Contact them and compare notes to see if you can find your common ancestor.

4) When you've found DNA matches who share a common ancestor with you, you should link them to your tree. See this 
Article to find out how. Once you've done the linking, your autosomal Family Finder matches will start to be identified as Maternal or Paternal and you can find more Montgomery matches faster.

5) Check out the Montgomery Genealogy Facebook 
website and the Clan Montgomery Society International website. They are both great resources where Montgomery descendants are working to figure out how we're all related to each other.

6) If you have a question or comment for the Montgomery DNA Group members, post it to the Activity 
Feed for the Project.

7) If you took a YDNA test, and are not sure whether an upgrade will be helpful, contact Mark or Roscoe for advice. If you have a question on Family Finder, Terri is your best bet.