Clan Montgomery Society

  External Web Links  

CMSI does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external internet websites.

Montgomery DNA Testing
The Montgomery Surname DNA Project. .... DNA testing of Montgomery families throughout the USA, Canada, Australia, Ulster, Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, and France.
Founder Project for Haplogroup J-Z35794. .... The Founder of J-Z35794 lived about 1410 +/- 100 years. Based on traditional record and DNA evidence for men with the J-Z35794 Haplogroup, the earliest Founder is likely to be Alexander Montgomery (1305-1388) of Renfrewshire, Scotland and could be as late as Alexander "Master of Montgomery" born 1428 who married Elizabeth Hepburn. The goal of the project is to confirm with DNA and documentary evidence the descendants of the Founder of J-Z35794 and the founders of each subclade downstream of J-Z35794.

Montgomery Genealogy
David C. Montgomery’s Site .... The family of Samuel Montgomery in Knox County, Tennessee.
Keith Montgomery’s Site ... The family histories of Keith Montgomery.
Roscoe Montgomery’s Site ... Botetourt Roots - Montgomery and Related Families of Virginia. -- Montgomery E-mail List .... How to subscribe to the RootsWeb message boards. -- Field/Gephart/Montgomery .... Marshal & Cathy Field's genealogy research, including Montgomerys in the William of Brigend line.
WikiTree .... Various Montgomery links.
Pinterest - Montgomery Genealogy .... Photos related to Montgomerys.

Montgomery History
Eglinton Castle, Ayrshire, and Other Areas in Scotland ... Excellent photos, videos from above, and 360 degree photos by Dawn-Marie.
The Montgomerys and Their Descendants .... An online PDF version of the book written by D.B. Montgomery.
Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning .... Short account of the castle - part of Kilwinning Heritage site.
     —  Eglinton Castle & Ruins ... See middle top of Table 1.
     —  Kilwinning - Eglinton Castle 1895 ... Scroll down to Table 3.
Eglinton Country Park .... Short account of the park - part of Kilwinning Heritage site.
     —  Eglinton Country Park ... Extensive review with history, wildlife, the tournament and pictures on Wikipedia.
     —  Industry and the Eglinton Castle Estate ... Coal mines, ironworks, waggonways, railways, harbours and more on Wikipedia.
Skelmorlie Castle History .... History of Skelmorlie castle.
Arundel Castle .... Built in West Sussex, England, c1068 by Roger de Montgomerie.
Shrewsbury Castle .... Castle founded c1070 by Roger de Montgomerie.
Shrewsbury Abbey .... Abbey raised c1083 by Roger de Montgomerie.
The story of Mungo Campbell and the murder of Lord Eglinton .... Historical Tales and Legends of Ayrshire.
     —  The Earl of Eglinton's Encounter Near Ardrossan...
     —  Mungo Campbell ... A different side of the story.
The Feud of Glencairn and Eglinton .... Historical Tales and Legends of Ayrshire.
The Lady of Hessilhead Outraged and Gabriel Montgomerie of Thirdpart Slain .... Historical Tales and Legends of Ayrshire.
Launching of the Lady Egidia from Ardrossan .... 1860 Ardrossan Herald - ship named for Lady Egidia Montgomerie.
The Motte and Bailey Castle of Hen Domen in Montgomeryshire, Wales .... Built by Roger de Montgomerie c1070-1074.
Hendomen: The Motte and Bailey Castle at Montgomery .... Powys Digital History Project.
Montgomery Castle in Montgomeryshire, Wales .... The successor to Hen Domen built from 1223-1251.
Ayrshire Roots .... Ayrshire, Scotland Genealogy.
Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement 1606 .... Founding fathers of the Ulster-Scots; Montgomerys descended from the Braidstane branch of the Montgomerys in Scotland.
Eaglesham in Renfrewshire .... In 1769 Alexander, 10th Earl, planned the village and still the layout of the main streets are in the shape of the letter A.
History Stories .... 10 Things You May Not Know About William the Conqueror.
Rampant Scotland Clan/Family Histories .... Clan Montgomery history.
Clan Montgomery on Wikipedia .... Clan Montgomery (also Montgomerie) is a Lowland Scottish clan.
Abandoned Spaces .... Mysterious skeletal remains and a ghost that roams the croquet field.

The Battle of Otterburn
     —  Battle of Otterburn .... Wikipedia: The Battle of Otterburn on August 5, 1388. Sir John Montgomery, 9th of Eaglesham, captured Henry Percy (later using the ransom to build Polnoon Castle).
     —  Battle of Otterburn .... Battlefields Hub: The Battle of Otterburn - 5th August 1388.
     —  Battle of Otterburn .... English Heritage Battlefield Report: Otterburn - 19 August 1388. Sir Henry Percy was handled so severely that he surrendered and pledged himself to be the Lord of Montgomery's prisoner.

Famous Montgomerys
    John J. Montgomery ... Professor John J. Montgomery of Santa Clara College, who may well be termed the Dean of Aviation in this country.
     —  Forgotten Aviation Pioneer .... the first controlled airborne flight of man in a heavier-than-air craft in 1883.
     —  Early Aviator .... the first flight in a heavier-than-air craft 20 years before the Wrights.
     —  1883 Montgomery Glider .... Replica of the 1883 Montgomery glider.
Famous People Whose Last Name Is Montgomery .... 100 famous Montgomerys.

Highland Games and Festivals
Highland Games Rules .... General rules for the heavy events competitions.
What Happens at Scottish Highland Games/Festivals .... Description of Athletics, Dancing, Musical, and Clan-related events.
The Association of Scottish Games and Festivals .... Information about Scottish Highland Games in the US.

Our Public Records .... Introduction to digitizing and organizing family photos and documents.
LDS Family Search Site .... Search for ancestors on the LDS FamilySearch™ site.
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites .... A categorized and cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the internet.
A Guide to Irish Genealogical Research .... Links and information on Irish genealogy.
Library and Archives Canada .... Links and information on Canadian genealogy.
Cyndi's List - Canada .... Links to Canadian geneology records.
Canada GenWeb .... A Canadian connection to
Australian Genealogy Websites .... Resources for people searching their Australian connections.
Stirnet Family and Social History .... A genealogy of British and Irish families.
The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogical Library .... The repository of many Clan Archives. (including Clan Montgomery)
The USGenWeb Project .... Free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and state of the United States.
Genealogy and the Law .... A layman's Guide to Legalese.
Online Military Indexes and Records .... Links to online military indexes and records for USA genealogy research.
Top 100 Genealogy Websites 2016 .... GenealogyInTime Magazine’s ranking of most popular genealogy websites around the world.
Scotlands People .... Find your Scottish ancestors.
National Records of Scotland .... Family History.
Genealogy Research Strategies .... Public sources of genealogy information.
A Genealogy Guide .... Learn how to approach the genealogy searching process.

General DNA Testing
Know Your DNA - Know Your History. .... What is the best DNA test?
23andMe DNA Kit Review. .... Is it worth the money?
Best DNA Test for Ancestry. .... Shopping Guide for the best DNA Test.

List of Scottish Clans .... A list of Scottish clans with and without chiefs.
The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs .... The definitive and authoritative body for information on the Scottish Clan System.
Clan Map of Scotland .... Many clans were associated with specific areas of Scotland.
Scottish Heritage USA, Inc. .... Supporting the the National Trust for Scotland.
National Trust for Scotland .... The largest conservation charity in Scotland, protecting natural and cultural heritage.
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns ... The chief of the peasant poets of Scotland.
Historic Environment Scotland .... The lead public body set up to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment.
The Scottish Tourist Board .... The official site of Scotland’s National Tourism Board.
The National Library of Scotland .... Links to everything Scottish — timelines, old maps, history, etc.
190 Scottish Battles .... A chronological listing of Scottish battles.
Historic UK .... The History and Heritage Accommondation Guide.
Welcome to Scotland .... Accommodations, activities, and attractions in Scotland.

The Court of the Lord Lyon .... The heraldic authority of Scotland in all matters of Heraldry and Coats of Arms.
The Society of Scottish Armigers .... Information about Armorial Bearings in the Americas.
The John Warwick Montgomery Website .... Comte de St-Germain de Montgommery.
Heraldry Society of Scotland .... Promotes the study of heraldry and its correct use in Scotland and Overseas.
Scottish Heraldry ... The Scottish heraldic executive is separate from that of the remainder of the United Kingdom.
Heraldic Tinctures ... The colors used to emblazon a coat of arms.
Coats of Arms ... Montgomery individual's Coats of Arms sourced from real historical documents.

Alberene Royal Mail .... A catalogue and internet company, shipping British Isles imports from the historic Harris Sorting & Picker House, Harrisville, New Hampshire.
The Scotland Yard Store .... The Scotland Yard Store Ltd., the kilt rental experts in the USA, located in Shelbyville, Kentucky.
GlenCairn Crystal .... Experts in the design and creation of premium crystal glassware.
The GlenCairn Glass .... The perfect Scottish whisky glass, awarded the Queens Award for Innovation.

The Family Tree Newspaper .... Archived copies of The Family Tree Newspaper originally published by the Odom Library.
Beth's Newfangled Family Tree .... An internet-only publication by the same editor of the original Family Tree Newsletter.
Scottish News .... A listing of news sources and local newspaper web sites in Scotland.
The Scotsman .... Scotland’s national newspaper.

Secret Scotland Guides For Self Drive Scotland Tours .... For a smaller budget, very detailed itineraries containing route directions, travel times, what to see, where to stay and the best places to eat.
Travel Tips for Senior Travelers .... Travel advice and various discounts open only to Seniors.
Eglinton Country Park .... Pictures of Eglinton Park from the Kilwinning Heritage web site.
Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning .... Pictures of Eglinton Castle ruins from the Kilwinning Heritage web site.
The Scottish Tourist Board .... The official site of Scotland’s National Tourism Board.
Embrace Scotland .... Quality Self Catering Accommodation throughout Scotland in cottages, chalets, lodges, castles, houses and apartments.
Scotland’s Best B&Bs .... The only 4 and 5 star small B&B organisation in Scotland, taking no more than 6 guests, rated by VisitScotland's Quality Assurance scheme.
Best Scottish Tours ... For the best personalized small group tour vacation in Scotland.
Irish Tourism .... Unique Irish vacations - self drive, rail tours, private tours, group tours, speciality tours.
Trainline .... Find info and book train and bus tickets for popular journeys in the UK and rest of Europe.

National Tartan Day USA .... Presidential proclamation by President George W. Bush on April 4, 2008 designating April 6th of each year as "National Tartan Day”.
Scottish Tartans Museum .... The American extension of the Scottish Tartan Society in Scotland.
House of Tartan .... The House of Tartan® in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland - discounted Montgomery tartan.
Tartan on Wikipedia .... Weaving and design, early history, clan tartans, and family and individual tartans.
Rampant Scotland - Clans & Tartans .... Scottish Clan and Family Histories.
History of the Kilt .... The history of the modern kilt.

Castles and Abbeys
Eglinton Castle, Kilwinning .... Short account of the castle - part of Kilwinning Heritage site.
     —  Eglinton Castle & Ruins ... Middle top of Table 1.
     —  Kilwinning - Eglinton Castle 1895 ... Scroll down to Table 3.
Skelmorlie Castle History .... History of Skelmorlie castle.
Montgomery Castle in Montgomeryshire, Wales .... The successor to Hen Domen built from 1223-1251.
Arundel Castle .... One of the earliest Montgomerie castles in Great Britian.
Polnoon Castle .... A 14th-century fortification on a motte beside the Polnoon Water in Millhall, in the Parish of Eaglesham, East Renfrewshire, Scotland.
Shrewsbury Castle .... Castle greatly extended c1070 by Roger de Montgomerie.
Shrewsbury Abbey .... Abbey raised c1083 by Roger de Montgomerie.
The Chatelaine's Scottish Castles .... Scottish Castles, Towers and Historic Houses.
Stravaiging Around Scotland .... Alphabetical List of Castles in Scotland.
Castles in Scotland .... List of Castles by council area in Scotland.

Scottish Landscape Photographs .... Photographs by Gordon C. Harrison.
Pictures of Scotland .... Landscapes, seascapes, lochs, castles and wildlife views.
A Dangerous Business .... Photos to Make You Want to Pack Your Bags and Move to Scotland.
Planetware .... Scotland in Pictures: 20 Beautiful Places to Photograph.
Photos for Everyone .... Best 500+ Scotland Pictures.
Eglinton Country .... Photos from Eglinton Country Park.

Scottish Links
Electric Scotland .... Thousands of pages of history, clans, recipes, genealogy, tartans, photos and more.
ScotCLANS .... Scottish clans and Scottish shopping.
Scotland .... General purpose Scottish web site.
Gateway to Scotland .... The official gateway to Scotland brought to you by the Scottish government.
The Internet Guide to Scotland .... Scottish travel, sightseeing, and accommodation.
Undiscovered Scotland .... The ultimate online guide to Scotland.
Rampant Scotland .... 13,000+ Scottish-related Links, regularly updated.
British History Online .... Digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles.
Council of Scottish Clans and Associations (COSCA) .... Promotes the customs, traditions, and heritage of the Scottish people.
MisterWhat .... Find the services you are looking for in Scotland and England.

Scottish Music .... Scottish & Celtic Music - Gaelic Warriors - YouTube.
Traditional Music From Scotland .... BBC Scottish Traditional Music - YouTube.
The Jink and Diddle School of Scottish Fiddle .... Rev. John Turner, CMSI #39, Scottish Fiddling school’s director and instructor.
Montgomery County Firefighters Pipes and Drums, Inc .... Montgomery County Maryland Firefighters Pipes and Drums band — check out the tartan!

Lore and Myth
Legends of Ayrshire .... Historical Tales and Legends of Ayrshire.
The Sacred Fire .... The Seanchies’ Tale — Myths, Scottish Yarns, and Faery Tales.
The Scot Kings of Dal Riada .... A history of the men of Scotland.
CELT - Corpus of Electronic Texts .... Irish literary and historical culture.
scotClans .... Myths & Legends of Scotland.
Scottish Folklore .... Ghosts, Myths and Legends.
Celtic Deities .... The gods and goddesses of the pre-Christian Celtic peoples.
Scottish Myths and Legends .... Scotland has an extensive heritage of myths and legends..
Haunted Locations in Scotland .... Reportedly haunted locations in Scotland.

Viking and Norman History
Hurstwic Living History Society .... Educating the general public on the history and culture of the Viking Age (c900-1066).
History of Normandy ... Normandy during the middle ages.
EyeWitness to History .... The Norman Conquest in 1066.

Snug Harbor Productions .... The only place to get CD versions of David Trimble's genealogy books that are no longer available in print.
The Story of Montgomery .... The story of Montgomery, Wales book by Drs. Ann and John Welton.
The Montgomerys and Their Descendants .... D.B. Montgomery’s book available on the Internet in PDF format.
The Montgomery Manuscripts .... The Montgomery Manuscripts in text-searchable PDF format from the Open Library.
Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls of Eglinton - by William Fraser 1859. ... Internet Archive BookReader - The BookReader requires JavaScript to be enabled in your browser.

CMSI does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external internet websites.

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